Your LMS onboarding deserves a go-to-market plan

《bwin中文官网》中的Maria Laxell是如何通过像营销人员一样思考来提高采用率的.

Rita Azevedo
Strategic Learning Partner Manager

您已经找到了完美的LMS(学习管理系统)供应商. You align on vision, roadmap, and talent. You’ve cleared the budget and secured the partnership. 在所有这些工作之后,你真的打算用一条简单的Slack消息启动你的LMS吗?

Of course not. You’re going to work strategically. 你要制定一个能让你的受众兴奋和感兴趣的市场进入计划. 还有,这里有一个友好的提示——永远不要指望任何人对“LMS”这个词感到兴奋。.

Why do I believe this? I’ve watched these tactics used to runaway success. Maria Laxell, Head of L&她将对市场营销的强烈好奇心与激发对学习的热爱结合起来. 她将克里派往萨那的策略堪称大师之作,在LMS推出之前吸引并激励了一批员工.

Here’s what she did.

Plan for success - get strategic

Rita: Let’s start with the basics. Why does an L&D团队需要一个让员工加入LMS的策略? And why do you refuse to use the term 'LMS'?

Maria: Who hears ‘Hey! We have a new LMS!’ and gets excited? No-one! To successfully launch Sana at Kry, 我需要一个策略来传达为什么学习很重要, and how much easier learning was going to be with a new tool.

L&D has got to be humble to the fact that people are busy. One Slack message announcing a new LMS might just get lost. It’s our job to communicate why and how learning matters. We can’t just expect everyone to be excited because we are. 策略性帮助我们考虑人们需要听到什么,在哪里,以及如何听到.

它提醒我们,人们需要知道为什么学习对他们来说是重要的. It’s our job to excite them. Plus, even within HR, lots of people don’t know what LMS or LXP stands for. So that’s why I never say 'LMS'!

Think like a product marketer

Rita: Why do communications and marketing inspire you?

Maria: 产品营销人员了解他们的受众,知道如何让他们好奇. 我想,‘让我们把新的LMS当作最新的产品来看待吧. How would I launch it? How would I intrigue and entice my audience?’.

That’s where a go-to-market (GTM) strategy comes in. GTM策略是产品营销人员为成功推出产品而制定的行动计划. The who, what, why, when, and how.

I applied this framework to onboarding Kry to Sana. Take ‘the how’. 而不是说“嘿,大家,这是一个有趣的完成任务的方法。!', we teased employees with a snappy 15 second video of Sana. 它让学习者对技术的感觉和工作方式有了一点了解. Like good marketing, 它帮助他们了解一旦他们使用了这个工具,他们的生活会有多么不同. A sneak-peek into their new home of learning.

The result? Our people were like, 'Oh, what is that?’ They were so intrigued! We knew we were on the right track.

Rita: The video was such a great idea. Did all of your learners love it?

Maria: 当然,不同的人群需要不同类型的信息. 我们意识到,所有潜在的学习者都可以分为三类:萨那大使和普通学习爱好者, people managers, and remaining employees.

We created different types of information for each group. This allowed, for example, 让经理们知道我们已经考虑过新的LMS的含义, and how it would impact their team members, and their daily work.

通过提前预测人们的问题和担忧,我们能够增加信任. Higher trust, in turn, 让人们更愿意参与你要求他们做出的改变.

So intrigue is important, yes. But that’s just the first step. What’s more important is demonstrating that L&D is supporting the core needs of the business and every learner’s development.

Real words for real learners

Rita: What other marketing assets did you create? I hear you made some amazing posters!

Maria: 海报是增加内部营销策略兴趣的好方法. 我需要利用我们在15秒视频中创造的好奇心. 我让我们的美术部门制作海报,我们可以在整个公司分享.

我们的学习大使给了我们一些很棒的短语,比如“让学习成为一种习惯——你是独一无二的,你的经历也是独一无二的”。. 我们将这些与鼓舞人心的成长心态短语一起使用. Together, 他们帮助我们的员工了解他们的学习新家是为他们创造的.

Say you work in Engineering. 如果你看到一张海报,上面写着你工程系朋友的文字, 这样就更容易理解人力资源是在帮助你学习. It’s for you!

Find your power learners, let them spread the word

丽塔:你刚刚提到了学习大使的重要性. How did you find your first group?

Maria: Simple: I found my most engaged learners! 很容易发现那些向你索取更多学习信息的人, and people who join lots of sessions.

首先,我联系了整个公司的八个人. 我问他们是否愿意参与我们的新家学习,就这么简单. I invited them to early access sessions, to ask them their views on learning, and a private Slack channel. 这样,我们就可以向最活跃的用户展示我们的功能.

在那之后,兴趣像滚雪球一样向我从未想过的人蔓延. Our ambassadors would ping me and say, for example, ‘My friend loves hosting, can she join the Slack channel?’. So my first eight ambassadors found the rest!

True partners collaborate

Sana helped you to launch the internal marketing campaign. How would the launch have looked if we hadn’t got involved?

Maria: 如果萨那没有如此参与,这场运动就不会成功. Sana shared some marketing videos. 我编辑了这些视频,为我们的预告片和发布日制作了简短的视频. 品牌资产帮助我向学习者传达产品及其好处.

第二,也是更重要的一点,Sana听取了我们的学习大使的反馈, and improved the product. For example, 我们的一些大使告诉我,不可能叙述他们的课程, and that it was frustrating them. I brought that feedback straight to Sana. Not too long after, I was able to go back to the group and say, 'Hey, do you remember that narration feature you were asking about? It’s live now!'

Through the Narration feature, and with other suggestions, 我的学生体验到,他们真的是Sana旅程的一部分. 他们已经看到,他们的反馈影响了一款出色产品的开发. That is powerful.

当你习惯了传统的工具,这种双向交流是不寻常的. 看到Sana接受了他们的反馈并构建了一个全新的功能,人们就会知道这个学习平台是真正属于他们的. And that was one of my goals.

Higher adoption rates await


One of L&D’s core jobs is to inspire a love of learning. 这可能很难——我们是在对抗人们的负面情绪, attitudes, and past memories of education. 有什么学科比市场营销更擅长驾驭人类情感和改变人们的想法呢?

因此,在内部启动LMS之前,请退后一步,制定内部上市计划. 你会吸引你的听众,建立信任,增加你成功的机会.

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