The what, why, and how of collaborative learning

Jenny Luo
Growth Associate

Move over content. Collaborative learning is the new kid in town.

We're in a post-content age. From Youtube to Substack, LinkedIn Learning to Coursera, anything and everything we want to learn is at our fingertips. 我们从未有过如此多的获取知识的途径,但我们也从未如此不知所措. 难怪大规模在线开放课程(MOOCs)的完成率稳步下降至3%.




Here's why and how you should embrace collaborative learning.

Collaborative learning is engaging and effective

Collaborative learning is a form of peer-to-peer learning. It occurs when two or more people interact with each other. And that interaction can be both formal and informal.

Examples of collaborative learning

Collaborative learning is engaging because it creates powerful social dynamics. 我们想要做对我们的同伴,所以我们更有可能出现并完成一些事情. Especially when there's a deadline. 一种优秀的协作模式是基于队列的项目.

In cohort-based programs, 一组选定的学习者在特定的时间框架内通过在线课程取得进步. 与mooc不同,队列项目的课程完成率高达96%. 这都是因为与会者有一种强烈的紧迫感和责任感.

Here's an example:

As well as engaging, cohort programs are effective. 它们通过鼓励学习者融合不同的技能并积极地将它们与其他技能结合起来来帮助理解和记忆知识. 这两个过程分别被称为交错效应和主动学习.

Collaborative learning comes in all shapes and sizes. While commonly associated with a live, in-person experience, 协作学习也可以以数字方式和异步方式进行. And in a hybrid situation too.

Collaborative learning turns L&D processes on their head. And that's a good thing.

Collaborative learning encourages Learning & Development teams (L&D) to become more collaborative. Instead of producing all content centrally, L&D can engage employees and subject matter experts directly. 这种向分散学习的转变为L创造了两个主要好处&D teams:

#1 Eliminate bottlenecks

Centralized L&D团队只能为业务产生有限数量的学习计划. 一旦请求超出了可用的时间和资源,L&D becomes a bottleneck. By taking a collaborative learning approach, L&D可以利用整个组织的集体智慧. 要做到这一点,你要给每个人提供他们需要的工具,以便快速有效地分享知识. When this happens, L&D can shift focus from producing content to advising the business—guiding and supporting teams towards achieving their goals.

#2 Shorten feedback loops

The average time-to-market for learning content is 3-6 months. That's too slow for a fast-moving team. 你可能会错过在正确的时间产生影响的机会. What if you could reduce those months to a matter of days?

Here's an example:

This way of working is responsive, scalable, and dynamic. Your organization's learning content evolves in response to emerging changes, priorities, and insights.

This adaptive process isn't only beneficial for your L&D team; it's beneficial for your employees too.

Collaborative learning engages employees and builds culture

Something magical happens when people come together. 当我们可以有效地探索和建立彼此的想法, we grow as individuals and as a team. 这就是协作学习对企业如此强大的原因.

More engaged, connected employees

协作学习使个人能够推动自己的发展,同时支持他们的同伴. 这种结合建立了一种自主而又高度培育的公司文化,让人们觉得自己可以成长.

More innovative, high-performing teams

当我们降低分享和消费知识的障碍时,我们更容易 integrate learning into our everyday working lives. That builds a culture of continuous learning. 持续学习是建立高效创新团队的关键.


Scaling collaborative learning takes tools and trust

According to a recent Eduflow survey, 80% of L&专业人士认为协作学习在工作场所很重要. 然而,只有20%的从业者利用任何频率的协作学习. 数量如此之低主要有两个原因:(1)文化阻力;(2)担心质量下降. 你可以通过将技术与人类信任相结合来克服这两个障碍.

Lower the barriers with a user-centered learning platform

Decentralizing content creation needs to be friction-free. After all, sharing knowledge with others takes time. 所以花的时间越少,体验越有趣,我们就越有可能去做. This is where smart tools can help:

找到一个学习平台,让每个人都可以轻松地创建材料并与他人合作. And make sure they can do this under one roof. If it takes three tools to host a group leadership training, that's two tools too many for your busy subject matter experts.

Increase quality by entrusting employees with the right tools

分散内容创造并不意味着失去所有质量和控制. Especially when you create the right conditions:

One way to do that is with publishing rights. 您可以使每个人都可以创建学习材料,同时将发布限制为选定的少数人. Then there are templates. The more you provide, 团队就越容易创建符合品牌和观点的课程和会议. 有了这些指导方针,你可以相信你的专家会传递他们所知道的.

So what are you waiting for?

It's an exciting time to be in L&D. Businesses have never needed us more. The chance to create lasting impact is immense.

With opportunity comes responsibility. 有责任挑战现状,并找到创新的方法来扩大我们组织内的学习. 在这个快速发展的世界里,内容和课程只能带我们走这么远.

The L&未来的团队是那些拥抱合作力量的团队——对他们自己和他们的学习者都是如此.


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